Project Snail Trail

Blog Posts

A short break to talk about location representation

I want to digress a bit from the Android specific portion of this project and talk a little bit about some of the library classes – or at least potential future library classes…

What I’d really like to talk about is how to represent Latitude and Longitude. This project is all about two extremes – small mobile devices and potentially HUGE sets of data. In both cases, it makes sense to use a nice small...

The Code is Up!

For anybody interested in seeing just how shameful my current coding standards are, feel free to go straight to the source – I’ve finally uploaded it on GitHub and added a link to it in the navigation bar of this site (see the Code link above). I cleaned it up a little bit before uploading it, but that doesn’t really matter since I didn’t rebase all my commits – It felt...

A first look at the new trail visualizer

Last week was productive, but short. I spent Wednesday through Friday visiting my brother’s familiy out of town, so Wednesday and Friday were spent mostly driving and Thursday I only had about four hours to work while my nieces and nephews were at school. I actually spent most of that time looking at public domain images on Clker. I was initially looking for map marker icons, but then decided to search on the term...

A working map pane!

It works! It’s ugly, slow and the code is absolutely horrendous, but when I finally opened up that map pane and zoomed in to see lots of little android images mapping out everywhere I went yesterday, I have to admit it definitely filled me with one of those warm and fuzzy feelings I was talking about!

That being said, I can’t believe it took the better part of a day to implement. The code really...

Some semblance of a UI is taking shape

Friday night and Saturday I started adding a basic user interface to the prototype. I’m not much of UI/UX guy and in my mind, this isn’t really intended to be an application that people interact with – it should just run seemlessly in the background without sucking up your battery like a vampire. From a developer’s point of view though, it’s really a pain if the only way I can test it out is to...