Project Snail Trail

Project Backlog

  1. Organize my stuff (figure out how to create a search index of my stuff)
  2. Get everything under version control with backup – git-annex maybe?
  3. Upgrade snailtrail site
    • currently based on lanyon theme for jekyll, would like something that degrades better
    • organize the content/sections better (this can wait until there’s actually some more content to organize)
    • install the lunr.js plugin for jekyll
    • setup mx records to forward emails somewhere I can use (i.e. gmail or beaker)
    • the site is completely static and hosted on github pages, but it would be nice to add in some more dynamic sections like a wiki or private pages with some authentication required – figure out how to do this hosted from beaker, bunsen or an ec2 instance
    • Look into js-git (or is it git.js?) – my dream would be to host a git repo as a static read only site (ideally with no preprocessing necessary) and provide a github like browsing experience – all done on the client/browser side with javascript. I don’t necessarily need diff level capability, but basic browsing of current state and historical state along with some nice formatting of markdown readme files.
  4. Get into the flow of blogging everything.
    • This todo list (items should link to blog categories)
    • Figure out how to create a private realm too – don’t necessarily want everything to be public
      • This could just be a matter of two separate blogs – and one is just hosted internally/locally on my home server and not available elsewhere
      • Or it might be nice if it just required auth so I could easily invite others to it (i.e. Karen for managing me, friends for collaborating)
  5. Put EVERYTHING (including this list) under source control
    • that doesn’t necessarily mean github – I don’t want to pay for private repos
    • either just simple git repos, or maybe use gitolite or gitlab
  6. Get a raspberry pi
    • and maybe a few other toys
    • speaking of which, lets set up a formal budget for stuff like that
    • wouldn’t it be nice to have a hardware development lab…
  7. Investigate virtualization options – not just vagrant. It would be nice to emulate something like openstack, but beaker may not have the hardware for it.
    • Just got bunsen – a modern dual core desktop with 4gb of ram, so it should be able to handle a decent setup
    • Look into different options for baremetal virtualization – Qemu, KVM, Xen? Openstack?
  8. Break out this todo list into the following (or more) categories
    • not started (these would have no blog entries)
    • ongoing (this would link to a category used for any blog entries, or some kind of project page)
    • retired (these would still link to old work, but they would either be completed or abandoned)
  9. Build a prototype of my travel security gadget
    • how to build a prototype – cnc lathe, mill, 3d printer?
    • what CAD software to define it? FreeCAD?
  10. Revisit my old idea for representing visual images as logarithmic spiral coordinates
    • use R to build a quick conversion from cartesian coordinates to log-spiral and back
    • build a couple visualizaions of what’s lost/gained in the conversion
    • build some basic classifiers for identifying shapes
  11. Setup a network bootloader
    • look into PXE – is this what it uses?
  12. Cleanup and publish my matrix multiplication SVG illustrations
    • could I build this into a quick visual matrix multiplication calculator? You fill in the values of the matrices and enter and then watch it do the work?

Wish List / Shopping List

  1. Software Defined Radio antenna – sdr-rtl
  2. Raspberry Pi 2 B
  3. More memory for dr. bunsen