Project Snail Trail

Blog Posts

Some actual progress...

I know, I said I was going to make a point of saying a little something here every day to keep myself honest, and after two days I go off the radar…

I’ll admit, the rest of last week was pretty much a wash. Wednesday was a day of chores, and I spent all day Thursday and Friday at a mobile apps conference. I was worried this week would end up being more of the...

A day at the library

Harold Washington Chicago Public Library

I had two meetups today – one in the morning and one in the evening so I decided to spend the day downtown rather than going all the way back home. I’ve been saying I need to get away from the distractions at home and while this definitely does that, I suppose there will always be some distractions where ever I go.

Yesterday I mentioned that...

It all starts with a blog

Almost two months ago I quit my job to work on a project I had an idea for. Ok, mostly I quit because I was hired for something I was really interested in – hadoop / big data / datamining related stuff – but when no projects materialized in that area for my employer I ended up getting sourced out to a project I had no interest working on – namely converting mainframe / cobol...